Installed Air Conditioning Repairs & Maintenance Work For Customers In Birmingham & Surrounding Areas 0800 440 444

Midland Cool from our Birmingham office near Saltley and Vauxhall, in Mainstream Way B7 opposite Greggs the bakers - carry out installed air conditioning repair and maintenance work for customers.  By calling 0800 440 444 we can give specialist advice on your air conditioning requirement and even carry out a free site survey.

Occasionally we get asked to work in some very tight spaces, see the picture.

A restaurant just off Broad Street in Birmingham, B2, contacted Midland Cool as their installed air conditioning was not working as efficiently as it had been.  The restaurant had fixed air conditioning, a Fujitsu cassette in the customer area, to keep customers cool and by the restaurant bar area a Fujitsu wall unit to keep the bar area cool.  Both systems were not working efficiently.  In Broad Street Birmingham completion between bars, pubs and restaurants is massive, keeping customers cool and comfortable is really important.

We anticipated the indoor air conditioning systems were dirty and greasy.  The outdoor units faired a bit better, a full air conditioning service with refrigerant gas check was carried out and the restaurants air conditioning were left clean and running well again.

Midland Cool gained a new service contract for 3 air conditioning service visits per year, another happy Broad Street Birmingham customer!


  1. The split air conditioner is mainly a economic budget unit. Which saves and maintains your home very well. This guide is so detailed and helpful.

    Heating and Cooling Hamilton


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